Old Town Academy
2120 San Diego Avenue, San Diego, Ca 92110
Completed: December 2017

Old Town Academy is a K-8 charter school focused on Core Knowledge, Project-based Learning and Digital Literacy. Rooted In Place collaborated with the OTA Kindergarten class to transform the outdoor schoolyard into a vibrant and dynamic play and learning environment.
Rooted In Place facilitated a site safari with 25 kindergarteners to encourage them to observe their schoolyard through their sense of smell, touch, sight, and hearing, which informed their ideas for enhancing the schoolyard. Inspired by the students ideas, Rooted In Place developed a concept plan that used color and texture to help delineate the yard into various play spaces.
Rooted In Place led a community build day with 25 kindergarteners to help paint picnic tables and benches that serve both as a place to eat and as an outdoor learning lab. Parents showed their support by volunteering their time to build and install some of the larger structures, such as the climbing walls and storage shed.

Project Gallery
Project Team:
Rooted In Place Landscape Architecture and Consulting
Role: Project and Construction Management, Community Facilitator, and Designer.
Project Partners:
Old Town Academy Foundation
Additional Support includes:
Studio Nectary: Construction details, art components
Rob Tobin Arts: Painted graphics, carpentry
Old Town Academy Foundation fundraising
Old Town Academy
Additional Support Includes:
Old Town Academy: http://oldtownacademy.org/
Old Town Academy Blog: http://oldtownacademy.org/blog/2017/06/07/new-kindergarten-playground/